How old is a mutt dog?


Some say that mixed breed dogs (SRD) are stronger than the others, but this is actually due to the fact that they do not have in their genetic load (most of the time) typical problems of pure animals. Despite this, the furry ones need the same care as the others, such as good nutrition, visits to the veterinarian, vaccinations and lots of love. See how old a Mutt dog lives!


As they vary a lot in size and physical size, Mutt dogs do not have a pre-defined standard and, therefore, their life expectancy ranges between 14 and 18 years. That's because smaller dogs tend to live longer, while giants are more likely to live less.


Why do big dogs live less?

Some lines of studies believe that free radicals are responsible for the lifespan of dogs and, as large pets grow very fast, they "use" free radicals in more quantities, damaging their cells and in some cases aiding their emergence of tumors and signs of premature aging.


Taking good care is synonymous with long life

Well-groomed dogs that have their needs adequately met tend to be healthier and, as a result, live longer.


When we offer a balanced ration for our pet, we encourage him to practice regular physical and mental exercises and offer him enriching life experiences that explore the instincts of his species, this dog is expected to have a balanced and happy life, resulting in good -being and quality of life.


Think about the lifetime when adopting

Before adopting a four-legged child, we need to take into account that he will stay with us for an average of 15 years, but with the advances in veterinary medicine today, it is quite possible that today's pets will live longer than that.


An elderly dog ​​requires special care and often demands more from the family than usual. Just like humans, pets also pass to you and it's unfair to let them go after so many years together.


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