Itchy Dogs: Does Your Dog Itch More Than Normal?


Eating, drinking water, sleeping, playing and scratching: these are some of the activities that our dogs usually do every day. However, if your dog is scratching more than usual, this could be a sign that something is wrong. So we're going to tell you everything you need to know about dog itching, how it causes it, and how to identify if your dog is itching more than it should.


Is my dog ​​itching more than usual?


A few quick scratches during the day are normal. Just as we scratch ourselves at times, our dogs also feel this need. Now, if your dog has been scratching himself more often and for a longer period of time, then something could be wrong. If he has lesions, shedding of hair in any area (especially where it is itchy), or uses his mouth to scratch himself, there is no doubt: he needs to visit his trusted veterinarian.

What can cause excessive itching in dogs?

The causes can be different. Below, we list and explain the most common:


Fleas and ticks

Although it's not new for pet parents, we think it's important to put fleas and ticks on this list. If the itch is caused by these parasites, just treat it with flea and that's it, right? So-so. In fact, many people end up applying the flea and tick only when the dog is going through an infestation, but the ideal is to maintain this medication according to the package. In other words: if the dose of the flea is up to date, our dog is not at risk of infestation, and the best thing is always to prevent!


In addition, the bite of these parasites can also transmit more serious diseases, such as tick disease, for example.



Allergies are largely responsible for itching in dogs. Check out the most common causes of allergy in dogs:

 Food (some foods and feed changes can cause allergies);

Fleas (flea saliva can trigger an allergic reaction in some dogs. Preventing the appearance of this parasite is the best solution!);

Plants (some plants can be responsible for causing allergies in our dog. Here's a list of toxic plants we shouldn't have at home);

Contact dermatitis (product components, especially chemicals, can cause allergies);


Scabies is a skin disease caused by a mite. There is no vaccine to prevent scabies, but curative measures such as specific shampoos, ointments and medication can be taken by the veterinarian. If your dog is showing shedding of hair in the eye, mouth, or paw areas, it could be mange.


Other factors

Dog skin infections and seborrhea (both dry and oily) can also cause itching.


Itching in Dogs: What's the Solution?

If you are noticing that your dog has been itching a lot, your first step should be to take him to the vet. This professional will examine your best friend and give you a diagnosis. To relieve itching, however, an extremely effective medication is Apoquel. It can be used in dogs over 1 year of age and starts to take effect after just 4 hours. Oh, and it's not a steroid or an antihistamine.


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