Facts about the American Cocker Spaniel


Very good! You came this far to find out more about American Cocker Spaniel and the first thing I need to tell you is: don't confuse it with the English namesake. The American Cocker is shorter than the English, his snout is shorter and he has a smaller head than his cousin too. The photo below helps show the differences:


Unlike what many people think, the Lady, from the movie "The Lady and the Tramp", is not an English Cocker Spaniel (more common in our country), but an American Cocker Spaniel. Want more trivia? So look at the ones we've separated for you.




Created in the 19th century in the United States, this dog hunted quail and other small birds. Today, however, it is popular as a companion dog.


By the

Its coat is long and smooth and can be found in many colors, ranging from solids (such as black and gold) to tricolors, passing through bicolors and roan (white with some other color in the blended style). Cockers tend to shed a lot of hair, which needs to be brushed, as they tend to tie knots easily.



Dogs of this breed generally have a docile and happy temperament, however, socialization should start very early, as they tend to growl and bite when they feel pain or fear. They are very close to the family and rarely say no to an invitation to play.


Special cares

Need special attention to cleaning the eyes and ears. Teeth also deserve special attention, with brushing between two or three times a week to remove tartar and bacteria buildup.



In the ranking of the book "The Intelligence of Dogs" ("The Intelligence of Dogs"), the furry occupies the honorable 20th position.



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